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Friday 27 May 2016

"...nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much..."

This is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of my book, The Best Things To Eat and Drink When You Fly, that gives my educated-opinion summary about why and how we eat the way we've been for the past 30+ years and how it has impacted our waistlines and health. Hope it helps to give you a bit of perspective that can guide you to make better choices. :)

If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. Hippocrates

…From Panacea To Pandemonium To Peace

I will be the first to admit that dietary intakes of carbohydrates didhas(!) -- spiraled out of control.  We took a good thing –carbohydrates—and started to eat more of them for our own good!  This started the ‘violation’ of the ‘not too little, not too much’ rule. That is, the Agricultural Revolution was good! It enabled mankind to produce more food for less toil and costs.  It was a way to help properly nourish more people, across greater locations in the world. Certainly, post the World Wars era, it helped to improve peoples’ health. But, at a certain point, probably mid-1960s/1970s, we started on, at first, a gradual, and, eventually, a consistent and rapid path toward consumption of too much carbohydrate. Portions of breads and grain-based items became larger and larger. What was considered ‘a muffin’ morphed into ‘a MUFFIN’ that was more the size of a muffin loaf. Slices of bread, bagels, rolls, donuts, slices of pie and cake all doubled, often-trebled in size even though they were served or still considered as ‘one portion’. Heavy-in-carbohydrate, especially, simple-carbohydrates (sugars!) foods and drinks, such as, soft drinks, pre-packaged cakes, desserts, snacks and candy, convenience foods, and fast foods, exploded onto the marketplace with great selection, competitive pricing, and access. Ever-increasing portion sizes of all these foods continued and were thought of as ‘normal’. We got ‘more’ food and drinks, at low prices. People, naturally, started to consume more carbohydrates (thus, calories) than their bodies needed and we started to see more cases of overweight and obese people.  Public health and medical experts started looking for reasons. The fat in our foods came under scrutiny as the primary cause of the burgeoning weight problem.  We then saw an explosion of fat-free, low-fat foods. People thought they could eat as much as they wanted of these fat-free, light foods.  Unfortunately, these foods were, of course, not calorie-free, and even more carbohydrate crept into our food products to replace fat. Calorie intakes increased, probably, even more.  Thus, peoples’ weight continued to increase. L Especially in the socio-economic strata of societies (working and low to middle class) --where food is as much a source of entertainment; a tangible sign of success, love, and ‘good care’ for self and family; and comfort, as it is nourishment -- the weights of people really soared. People in higher SES groups, who had the means and access to a more-sustained nutritious, less calorific diet and other-than-food sources of entertainment, activity, hobbies, and feelings-of-success, seemed to be spared. But the prevalence of overweight and obesity, eventually, started to rise in, even, these groups. There are so many other factors complicit to the obesity epidemic that I just can’t get into here, but for the sake of this discussion, what followed next and continues to this day, is that high-protein diets emerged on the scene as the panacea to help people lose weight.

Some medical practitioners took a few aspects about protein – 1) protein can be used as a source of fuel for the body 2) protein foods are much more satiating than carbohydrates, yet less calorific than fats 3) low-to-nil, almost, exclusive consumption of protein gets and keeps the body in a state of body-fat burning ketosis. Thus, high-protein diets emerged as a panacea for overweight and obese people, purporting to effect in rapid, assured weight loss, whilst keeping body muscle and protein intact. And, what was even more enticing, it was claimed that you could eat as much as you want of the allowed foods and the diet would still work its miracle!

As much as the above aspects about protein are true, they are just part of the reality of what happens to the body when on a high-protein diet. The full truth -- high-protein diets, especially if sustained for long periods of time, can be very harmful to the body!   Firstly, the body can use protein as a source of fuel and energy, but the body prefers carbohydrate -- even exclusively for the brain – as it needs glucose, the normal, healthy end-product of carbohydrate metabolism -- first and best. Gluconeogenesis, the process by which protein is broken down and ‘re-worked’ by the body to synthesize glucose to use as energy, is actually a much more inefficient way for us to get the energy we need to function! It’s great to have this pathway, as it serves us in times of starvation and stress, but it really is counterproductive, even harmful, as a sustained source of our fuel. It takes longer to generate the glucose we need and the by-products of sustained gluconeogenesis can wreak havoc to the body, especially the liver and kidneys, where most of this process takes place. Next, it sounds all great that keeping our bodies in, more or less, a constant state of ketosis will help us burn our fat stores, but, the fact is, it comes at a huge price to our health! L It screws up the necessary acid-base medium we need to keep our bodies, optimally, performing its enzymatic, immunologic, metabolic, and repair mechanisms. That is, all of these processes function best in an alkaline environment. Most animal protein foods, such as meat, eggs, cheese, and dairy are acid-producing whilst fruits and vegetables are alkaline-producing. If alkalizing mineral salts, such as potassium citrate and malate, which are plentiful in vegetables and fruits, are not present in the diet, the intracellular spaces of the body become acidotic. This metabolic acidosis is a key contributing factor to many degenerative, debilitating, aging, bothersome conditions, such as, impaired energy production and lethargy, fluid retention, edema, increased free radical production, loss of bone mineral, loss of muscle mass, increased calcium excretion, increased kidney stones, and horrific bad breath. Many pro-high protein advocates use research on Inuit Eskimos, Sioux Indians of Northwestern US, and the South American Gaucho to extol the virtues of high-protein diets. They claim these populations sustained themselves under extraordinary conditions, on almost-exclusively foods of protein, in not just good health, but strong and robust health. But the research, when investigated further, just does not hold up. The Inuit probably did get plenty of alkalizing dietary intake from the shrub vegetation they consumed. Additionally, their protein intake was primarily from marine sources which are inordinately high in omega-3-fatty acids, vitamins, D, E, A, and K, which may have mediated effects of acidosis and damage to organs. Also, this population had early death rates – mainly from parasitic infections (they ate much raw food) and tuberculosis! Thus, research on them doesn’t help in elucidating the effects of extreme protein intakes on an older than mid-30’s, aging population, anyway! The Sioux and Gaucho, similarly, managed to consume much more vegetation than originally thought. Plus, all of these heavy meat/fish-eaters ate whole animals. Organ meats, especially raw, are very high in available vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants representative of all the plant-based substances the animals ate! J

It’s important to note that nothing we eat can change the ph of the blood (stays slightly alkaline at 7.35-7.45; ph of 7= neutral) because the body needs to keep that constant, but everything else seems to suffer, at the expense of doing that.  And lastly, protein is more satiating than carbohydrate. It’s this point that high-protein diet pushers were counting on to help temper intakes of all the meat, eggs, cheese, pork rinds, cream, even alcohol, etc. that they said one could eat and drink as much as they wanted of. They thought that people would not eat excessive amounts of these artery-clogging, high-saturated fat-laden, acidotic foods.  Well, of course, as with carbohydrates, people did consume and get used to too-large portions and excessive intake, notwithstanding satiation levels, of protein-rich (which many happen to be fat-rich, too) foods. And then, on top of all that bad news, studies have shown that the ‘miraculous weight losses’, especially in the first week or so, are really the result of the physiologic diuresis that accompanies metabolic processes that occur on high protein diets -- the loss of glycogen stores, the conversion of protein to glucose with gluconeogenesis, the clearance of ketone bodies. So, it’s water loss! Moreover, further studies have not shown that high-protein diets are more successful at helping people lose weight and keep it off!  All that pandemonium for nought!

So, in the end, high-protein diets were nothing but a reactive, alternative to the too-high-carbohydrate intakes that were occurring. But, oddly enough, both scenarios were violating the ‘not too much, not too little’ maxim. Did we really think we could scarf down bagels and muffins and the like to the extent we were (and are!) and not gain adipose tissue? Alternatively, did we really believe we could eat unlimited amounts of juicy steaks, bacon, eggs, cheese, pork rinds and the like and not have any untoward effects? Not just pandemonium – delusions! ‘If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’!  We fed (sorry L) right into it! The fact was and is – we were, and still are, just eating too much – of everything! The fact is, deep down, we knew and know it. We just don’t want to believe or accept it. Especially, after almost 50 years of this happening, we have, in my opinion, ‘epigenetically’ conditioned our bodies, in some strange way, to crave too much food! It’s become a (patho) physiological phenomenon!

The good news – it’s reversible. It has to be! It starts with, somehow, executing ‘moderation’ back into our food and drink consumption habits, which will, hopefully, re-program our bodies to be satiated at appropriate and healthy dietary intakes. This brings me to, yet again, reinforcing the soundness and value of Dietary Guidelines, and all that I’ve presented in Chapter 2. J May I say it again? The dietary principles and recommendations of resources, such as, the Dietary Guidelines, the Mediterranean Diet, MyPlate, Balanced Diet and Nutrition Guide, RDAs are all ways to define what is meant by ‘moderation’ and to help us execute it into our dietary habits, needs, and desires! It really is the ‘win-win’ that must happen in order to nourish ourselves best, to get and stay healthy, and to find dietetic ‘peace’….

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Obesity – The 641 Million People Question

The numbers are staggering! 
Six-hundred forty-one million people, globally, are now overweight or obese.  Four-hundred fifty million people, worldwide, are now afflicted with Type 2 diabetes -- which we know often results from being obese. The healthcare cost of Type 2 diabetes was 825 billion dollars in 2014.  Annual costs from obesity have been estimated between 147 to 210 billion dollars – these are just direct costs; indirect costs from things like work absenteeism, lower productivity at work, poorer performance in the military, heart disease, and certain cancers, for example, add billions more to obesity-associated costs.

Moreover, according to the experts, all increases have occurred in the past 35--40 years, obesity up from 105 million persons in 1970 and Type 2 diabetes nearly doubled for men and 60% higher for women since 1980.

The investigations that have been done on obesity and Type 2 diabetes prevalence and incidence and costs, most likely, demanded a lot of hard work and coordinated efforts from the organizations and numerous researchers, worldwide, who sought to provide the world with this crucial information.

Many more experts are incredibly busy trying to figure out how to decrease prevalence and incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes and on how to cope with symptoms and effects of these diseases as well as the massive burden of costs.

I’m very grateful for all this work from all the experts. Surely, people are getting and feeling better and through the many and varied efforts, both singular and coordinated, the occurrence of obesity has to flatten, if not decrease – it has to!

Among the many studies, though, there is one group of people that I’ve yet to see a large, robust or coordinated study from (vs. just about)  -- overweight and obese people themselves!

Wouldn’t it be great to get a really good data set from a representative sample of the 641 overweight/obese million people or, dare I say, from as many of the 641 million folks as possible in order to glean some insights on how they would like to best treat and prevent the occurrence of obesity. I’m very curious to know the kinds of information that can be generated from a large, coordinated, well-constructed study of obese individuals from one of the many well-funded, influential obesity-focused organizations, centers, think-tanks, team of researchers, or departments from universities, asking obese persons questions like:

  1. How do you think you became overweight/obese?
  2. How would you like to be treated for your obesity? What treatment do you think would best help you lose weight and keep it off, for good?

     3. What obstacles stop you from getting your ideal/preferred treatment for your obesity?

    4. How do you think we can best deal with the obesity epidemic? What do you think we need to 

    5. How do you think we can best prevent obesity from happening?

If we can harness the ‘self-generated’ insights and ‘solutions’ from obese and overweight people, themselves, through a very large prospective study, perhaps, we can develop more effective and efficient programs, treatments, and preventive measures.  We need every stakeholder possible to be involved in solving the obesity epidemic – obese and overweight people themselves, as well, if not first and foremost!!

I think it would be well worth the attempt to get this information, analyze it, and see what kind of results come out of such an investigation. I’d be happy to offer my expertise, time, energy, and service to anyone or any place who is in a position to set up such an investigation. Perhaps, there is such a study and I've not seen it. If so, please inform me. :)

Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or comments.


Mary-Jo,  :) RDN, MSc, MMSc ACC

Monday 4 April 2016

Nutrish and Delish -- Gluten-Free, High Protein Coconut Pancakes

Nutrish and Delish -- Gluten-Free, High Protein Coconut Pancakes

I made coconut pancakes, for my post-workout lunch today, like this:

4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup buttermilk or you can also use plain yogurt or 1/2 cup of each
1 cup coconut flour -- more if you like your pancakes 'coconutty'
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix everything together to make batter. Ladle an amount about the size of a small plate onto warmed (medium heat, about 5 or 6) fry-pan that you greased with a tiny bit of butter or oil. Flip when edges start to show small bubbles and drying out a bit. You'll know pancake is done when it is stiff and browned golden. This recipe makes about 6 pancakes.

Meanwhile, rinse a punnet of blueberries and warm in a pan with about a cup of water. This makes the 'syrup'. You can actually use any fruit, but berries are great!

Top each pancake with some 'topfen' (this is what German-speaking countries call a dry curd cheese, called 'tvorg' in Russia) --which is very high protein --14 g/100g, low-fat -- 0.2 g/100g, moderate carbohydrate -- 4g/100g). It's also called quark or farmer cheese in English. I use lactose-free here as I am lactose intolerant (see in photo -- the local Spar brand topfen which is lactose free). Then top with warm berries.

This gives a generous extremely high protein low carb satisfying serving of pancakes for 2 to 3 people.


Mary-Jo :)

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Manage Flatulence When Flying

This is the chapter from my book 'The Best Things To Eat and Drink When You Fly' on Flatulence. I hope it gives those of you who fly frequently some helpful insights and practical tips on this delicate topic. :)

Chapter 4 -- Flatulence, aka ‘Gas’

Bottoms up!  A common toast to good health – quite pertinent to this topic J

 Go on…. feel free. …come out with it…. (no puns intended)….say it --it’s gross!

Being the recipient of second-hand gas, or even the protagonist of a single-whammy ‘great escape’ or a series of silent ‘releases’, is embarrassing, unpleasant, and, at times, upsetting – especially if the emission(s) are particularly pungent or foul L  And, admit it, we all have our usual ways on how we deal with it when it happens: 1) stay aloof acting as if nothing happened, 2) shake our head with a grimacing frown -- while motioning to the person in front of us, next to us, behind us, across from us – indicating to our seat- and cabin-mates that we ‘knowingly’ disapprove, 3) the blink-quick apology, hoping it ‘all’ goes away fast and all is forgotten and forgiven – ah – at least, until the next ‘event’ happens.

Flatulence does not discriminate. It occurs in first, business, world, premier, club, ‘whatever’ class just as often, if not more so, than in economy. It afflicts CEOs. presidents, top executives, lords and ladies, famous celebrities, and ‘whomever’ who sit in the luxuriously spacious and revered private seats and cabins at the front of the plane , as much as it does the folk who sit in economy, at the back.

My worst encounter was the one time, by a stroke of luck, I flew first class. The obvious ‘top man’ type across from me was pleasant enough while we were sitting. But, then, a couple hours into the flight, he undressed in full-sight, put pajamas on, tucked himself comfortably in his cot, and slept like a baby for the rest of the ten hour journey. I, on the other hand, not only didn’t sleep a wink after this, but had to endure his snoring and frequent ‘releases’, up until 20 minutes before we landed! It was the most horrible flight I’ve ever had! The silver lining in that story is that I no longer pine for a first-class ticket. 

There’s more good news. People, I believe, generally do not intentionally want or set out to be crudely insensitive or offensive to others. The fact of the matter is – it’s physics! That is, there are clear, well-founded explanations as to why we feel ‘gassier’ -- why we accumulate a greater amount of flatulence -- when we fly. As altitude increases, pressure decreases. And, according to the laws of thermodynamics, when pressure decreases, volume increases – including our bowel air volume!

So, increased bowel air volume does not discriminate. No matter who you are, what shape you’re in, what your muscle: fat ratio is, what your knowledge of air etiquette is, and what you’ve eaten or drunk been before your flight, you will feel the effects of this ‘ideal gas law’. But, there are things you can do to minimize flatulence – modify how much you produce-- and/or to neutralize it -- modify how foul or pungent your gas will be.

Dietary Modifications To Prevent or Minimize Flatulence

1)      Although cruciferous vegetables are highly recommended as part of an optimal healthy diet, it is best to avoid cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale, bok choi, the day or two before and during flying. Here is a more complete list of cruciferous vegetables:

Cruciferous Vegetables

  • Arugula
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Collard greens
  • Daikon radish
  • Horseradish
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Land cress
  • Mustard greens
  • Radish
  • Rutabaga
  • Shepherd's purse
  • Turnip
  • Watercress

2) Avoid foods that are notoriously known for producing large amounts of gas, such as beans, lentils, starchy peas, other pulses, onions and artichokes; the cruciferous vegetables mentioned above; some fruits, particularly raisins, apples, prunes; some breads and high-fiber foods; and dairy products. You probably know, yourself, what particular foods give you gas, so, avoid them before you fly!

For beans and foods made with beans, like chili, Beano supplements can help decrease gas and may even help with decreasing gas in other foods.

Other foods and drinks containing sweeteners called sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, (such as sugar-free gum or slimming products), or a type of sugar called fructose (such as the sugar in fruit juice), can also cause flatulence. In Chapter 6–Other GI Issues, there is a special diet that helps people who suffer from functional gastrointestinal upset for no particular known reason, called the FODMAP-free diet.  Foods and ingredients high in FODMAPs (which stands for ‘fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols’) can aggravate the occurrence of painful gas. Have a look at this diet and if you see foods on the list that cause you increased gas, avoid them and choose from the ‘suitable alternatives’ list: FODMAP-free diet

3) Be well-hydrated! Drink still water or another type of still, flat fluid8 oz. (240 ml) for every hour of flight—water is best, but electrolyte-rich drinks are also good provided they do not contain too much sugar. Avoid carbonated beverages, too much coffee or tea, except for herbal teas and infusions, especially, ginger and peppermint teas, both of which have been found to settle gaseous intestines. Avoid excessive alcoholic drinks.

4) Avoid milk and milk products, especially if you know you are prone to feeling gassy with these foods, even if you are not lactose-intolerant. Lact-Aid supplements can help decrease gas from milk and milk products.

Yogurt, especially plain yogurt that contains live bacterial cultures, should be well-tolerated. Yogurt(s) containing live cultures are part of a group of foods called probiotics, which have been known to help relieve flatulence. Probiotic foods are those that involve fermentation in their production; including miso, pickles, sauerkraut and fermented dairy products such as yogurt, as stated above, and kefir. Other probiotics include: sourdough bread, tempeh, sauerkraut, onions, oats.

Of course, any probiotics, such as onions, that may be gas-producing, need to be avoided while in flight.

5) Eat as basic, fresh, and as balanced as you can! Eating a well-balanced diet in portions that are appropriate for your needs will help you feel lighter and more comfortable for flying. For more specific guidelines on how you can do this, see Chapter 3 on Weight Management and Control. Eating healthy enhances overall gastrointestinal health and will enable a healthy bowel movement before your flight. This often decreases gas and flatulence.

Avoid rich, fatty, too-sugary, fried foods and foods that are too spicy. All of these types of foods may interfere with your ability to have a good, thorough bowel movement before your flight.

6) It is also important to chew foods well and to avoid gulping and eating too quickly to decrease the probability of swallowing air between bites and sips.. Dividing meals into smaller, more frequent ‘feedings’ also may help.

7) Avoid chewing gum while in flight as this increases the probability of swallowing air. If you want to chew gum to freshen your breath, wait until it’s almost time to land.

Taking over-the-counter charcoal pills and tablets have also been suggested to decrease flatulence during flights. There are some attempts to try to install charcoal filters in seat cushions and blankets on airplanes to control unpleasant odors and effects of the inevitable increased flatulence associated with air travel.

Just having an awareness of the intestinal challenges we face when airborne is a great help that will guide our choices away from foods that will increase flatulence.  Flatulence will happen, nonetheless, but at least we will be more empathetic and forgiving toward one another as, we’re all in the same boat on this one – I mean – plane! J


Pommergaard HC, Burcharth J, Fischer A, et al. Flatulence on airplanes: just let it go. N Z Med J 2013 Feb 15; 126(1369)68-74.

Thursday 28 January 2016

What IS A Balanced, Healthy Diet?

This is Chapter 2 of my book 'The Best Things To Eat and Drink When You Fly' that gives perspective on what to eat and drink to prepare folks for a flight. But, really, this information is helpful for everyone who may be confused about what is best to eat and drink, in general. I hope it helps you! :)
PS: Please note that you may have to cut and paste the links onto your browser in order to open them, if you want to check them out, but also, please feel free to email me and I will send them to you!

Chapter 2 – Best Diet For Travelers à Balanced, Healthy Diet

“If  you stay ready, you ain’t got to get ready”. Will Smith

For the frequent flier and /or business traveler, the best things to eat and drink to prepare you for calm, comfortable, productive, and pleasant flights and trips is to already be eating and drinking the best things for your body– when you’re not travelling, when you’re on terra firma. You see, along with adequate sleep, proper hydration, and getting enough exercise, a balanced, healthy diet, as part of your usual, regular lifestyle habits, contributes to optimal fitness and health.  A stable, fit, optimal state of health is a much better state for the body to be in and/or to start out at, when subjected to the conditions of cruising in a confined cabin at 30,000 feet – wouldn’t you agree?

Numerous studies affirm the long-term health outcomes associated with habitual consumption of balanced, healthy diets: prevention of obesity and overweight, and lower risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain cancers. Additionally, what can truly be helpful for the frequent flyer to know and understand are the many more proximal and immediate positive benefits of healthy eating and drinking: control and/or prevention of indigestion, gas, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, halitosis, and other gastro-intestinal discomforts, as well as other physiological discomforts such as headaches, lightheadedness, blood clots, urinary tract issues, and general malaise.

So, What Exactly Is A Balanced, Healthy Diet?
A balanced, healthy diet is one which provides the body with its essential nutrient requirements for its physiological needs. So, as much as we enjoy eating and drinking, the main goal is to get and keep us healthy – daily, weekly – for life. That’s not to say we shouldn’t celebrate and enjoy foods, drinks, and eating and drinking! In fact, having access to the foods and drinks we need, but, also, want, and like gives great satisfaction and improves the quality of our lives. All people have the basic human right to be well-nourished from foods and drinks they enjoy and tolerate well. The CDC identifies a healthful diet as one of the necessary determinants of individual health and wellness and national levels of health and well-being.

How To Eat A Daily Balanced, Healthy Diet
If the main goal of a balanced, healthy diet is to get our daily doses of necessary nutrients, then you can always analyze the *Nutrient Chart I have provided for you (see below), go through the sources of each nutrient, pick out the foods you like and can get, and plan your own personalized menus for the day, week, month(s), year, etc., accordingly. And, as you’re out and about, travelling, you will be that person who relates to dining out like this: You’re up for that, right? You have time for that, don’t you? You certainly can go for it, if you want to!

Oh, guess what?  You don’t need to do that because, actually, it’s been done for you. In fact, in almost every nation on the planet, Dietary Guidelines have been developed and are available, so that you make informed dietary choices to enable you to achieve a balanced, healthy diet that delivers your necessary daily nutrient requirements. Dietary Guidelines translate the science and theories of nutrition into the much more practical ‘language’ of food.  Dietary Guidelines distills the information from reliable studies and detailed sources to generate practical plans based on basic, wholesome foods grouped according to their similar nutrient content and compositions with suggested serving amounts, and recommendations on what groups to choose the mainstay of intake from vs. occasional selections or treats. It’s amazing to see that Dietary Guidelines are extremely similar across almost every nation. This affirms the fact that despite our differences of race, culture, national origin, or geographical location, we all share (more or less, but well-within normal human variation) the same nutritional requirements. The foods may be different from country to country, but, they are similar in nutrient compositions, so as to enable classifications in distinct groups, in a similar manner, in each country, from country to country. The ‘language’ of nutrition is universal. Some examples of international food guides:

If more people, across the globe, would start today to consume foods and drinks in suggested servings and amounts, based on Dietary Guidelines, it would be life-changing (for the better!) for individuals, for populations, for nations, for the world! It would result in more people eating balanced, healthy diets --thus, they would be better nourished and, ultimately, healthier. So, why don’t more people follow Dietary Guidelines?  Are they too difficult to understand, to execute? Are the recommendations unreasonable? Are they too vague, too detailed, too generic, too boring? Does it matter?

It does matter -- more today than ever before. Dietary Guidelines, of some sort, have been around a long time, and even the most rudimentary of recommendations have been better than nothing to help people reference and reassure that their dietary intake is within reasonable and helpful limits for the body’s needs. Up until the 1980’s, people actually ate more in alignment with recommendations. It’s only been in the last 30-40 years, that our food intake has run amok. With the increased production and availability of food, in general, came also the increase of convenience and fast foods/drinks engineered and processed with higher sugar, salt, fat, and, ultimately, calorie levels. A ‘food-everywhere’, ‘eat-constantly’ environment has evolved, where grazing, snacking, nibbling, and oversized portions have become normal. Now, I grew up with the ‘mangia-mangia’ dynamic being a second generation Italian, so, this was normal for me and my family (many of whom were overweight, obese, and heart/liver/colon/lung-unhealthy), but now it’s like the whole world is becoming second generation Italians when it comes to food! I might add, too, I believe, it wasn’t so much the Mediterranean diet that I and my family usually consumed that contributed to our diet-related health problems, but, rather, all the convenience and fast foods that we consumed on top of our daily healthy diet, for example: the snack-pack puddings we were given after we had our piece of fruit, going to the burger joint not even a half hour after we finished dinner as our after-dinner entertainment, evening take-out pizza deliveries from an uncle’s restaurant to have as our bedtime snack – always accompanied by cold Cokes, of, course. Our grandparents and parents were fascinated by how easy it was to get cheap, tasty food and lavished us with it. It was a tangible way for them to show us they loved us, could care for us, and that they were ‘making it’ and were as successful as all the other Americans. By the time we transitioned through puberty, early adulthood and full-blown adulthood, our bodies – from our brains to our tastebuds to our stomachs, via our livers, pancreases, and adrenal glands, mediated by all the hormones involved --  (patho)physiologically needed, as well as wanted too much food. It was our normal.

Similarly, the now general food-obsessed environment we live in today has made it normal for many more people to overeat. When I was growing up in the 50’s-80’s, I was 1/ 8-10, perhaps even 15 children, classified as obese/overweight. Now, 1/3-4 children are classed as such. It’s ironic that with improvements in food research, production, hygiene, and distribution, it’s become daunting for people, even our children, to get their proper nourishment. It seems our dietary intake is now driven much more by hedonic forces than by our bodies’ physiological needs. The main goal of diet—to obtain our nutrient requirements to get and keep our bodies healthy—has been superseded by other ‘goals’ – to please our palates, feel totally ‘satisfied’ and satiated’, and find ultimate food experiences. “Mangia, mangia”!

Here’s a link to an excellent discussion on why people overeat:

So, it’s time to look back in order to move forward. We must revert back to eating more of the ‘basics’, less processed foods, appropriate portion sizes, and less often. Food and diet need to be put back in perspective. We need to reorient our palates with our bodies’ physiological needs. Dietary Guidelines show us that, no matter where in the world you are or travel to, it is absolutely do-able to consume and enjoy eating and drinking, healthfully. You just have to start doing it and before you know it, you will actually find yourself preferring wholesome, basic, fresh foods and drinks (aka, clean eating) to highly processed too-sweet, too-greasy fare (aka, junk foods) in portions suited to your body’s needs. And if you find you, yourself, can’t be bothered or find it too difficult to follow Dietary Guidelines, do me a favor – get your children to follow them. It will be a gift to them that will keep on giving. ‘Hard-wiring’ your children, from the get-go, to prefer more wholesome, basic, balanced diets as outlined in Dietary Guidelines, will, hopefully reawaken and encourage the dietary autonomy and self-regulation of their food intake that they were born with, to get and keep them healthier, for life. They, in turn, will be more likely to pass this dynamic and physiological legacy to their own children. I love a hopeful strategy! Looking back does not mean moving backward! I can’t help myself from inserting one of my favorite poems here that says it so much better than I ever could!

Although following any of the national Dietary Guidelines that I have listed, will help you to eat and drink better, I admit, I really prefer the Dietary Guidelines and Food Pyramid  as proffered by the Harvard School of Public Health: It is clear, concise, and very much all that is known to help you make the best dietary choices you possibly can, according to the best evidence-to-date.

Additionally, one of the best resources I’ve ever seen that explains many of the benefits of healthy eating can be found at:  The explanation of what happens to the body when you eat and drink too much of too rich, too-sugary, too –high-saturated fat, too-high alcohol, is worth the short hour of listening -- perhaps while waiting at the gate? J. The presentation was made to help guard against overindulging at holiday times, but the principles are pertinent to everyday choices. Certainly, as one meanders around food courts at airports, it’s good to have information to help you be mindful of what it means if you succumb to hedonic eating and drinking, especially shortly before subjecting your body to the added stressors of air flight. The gluten-free aspects may not apply to you, but it’s good to be educated and aware of issues surrounding the gluten-free craze, and, actually, as overblown as it might be, there is evidence of an increase in the prevalence of celiac disease and gluten-sensitivity in many countries. Moreover, similar mechanisms of gastrointestinal distress and other signs of physiological intolerance can and do legitimately occur with any substance that is not tolerated, for some reason, by the body, or consumed excessively. These issues are explained clearly in this slideshow. The practical advice on how you can execute healthy eating each day, is also worth a look and listen.

If you are still not convinced and/or feel you need additional more individualized dietary guidance to help you achieve a balanced, healthy diet and the optimal health, vigor, radiance, and energy levels that you desperately want and need to be the consummate frequent flyer and globetrotter, then, the next chapter is expressly for you! Fasten your seat belts! Read on! J

*Nutrient Chart file:///C:/Users/mjove/Documents/AppendixC_NutrientChart.pdf

Friday 22 January 2016

For the frequent flyer -- excerpt from my book 'The Best Things To Eat and Drink When You Fly' :)

Chapter 9 – Showing Up Alert, Fresh, and Ready

… I eat flowers now and birds come.

I eat care and things to love arrive.

I eat time and as I age

Whatever I swallow grows timeless. …

                                                              Mark Nepo, from ‘Surviving Has Made Me Crazy’

If you’ve ever doubted the power of positive words and thinking, I have just five words to say to you:

“Cabin crew, prepare for landing”!

Am I right or what? J

Hearing that announcement is like waving a magic wand over the whole planeful of weary travelers. All of our aches, pains, and ailments just seem to dissipate, if not disappear entirely! We find ourselves smiling at the ‘cute’ screaming babies across from us; chatting to the ‘nice chap’ in front of us who had his chair in our face the whole trip (@@); and even wishing the woman next to us, who kept dropping her litter on ‘our floorspace’, a wonderful trip!

In the 30+ years that I have been frequently flying, I haven’t once heard anyone say:

“Aww, shucks! Do I really need to get off the plane? Must I go…now?!”

Never!  Just anticipating getting off the plane fills us with joyful relief and exhilarating energy.  Mood-boosting hormones kick-in to help innervate our brains, strengthen our muscles, limber-up our bones, and release energy so we can make our way onto terra firma, and move forward to the places we have to be, the people we want to see, and the things we need to do! J

Happy Landing!
It’s a great start to the rest of your trip!  To keep that momentum going, your body will continue to work most effectively for you, if you’ve already been implementing information from previous chapters:

  1. Chapter 1—Having a good overview of the purpose and itinerary of your trip. Being as prepared and relaxed as possible
  2. Chapter 2 --Having an understanding of a balanced diet and doing your best to follow sensible Dietary Guidelines
  3. Chapter 3—Controlling your weight; being and getting healthy and fit.
  4. Chapter 4 – Following dietary tips to control inevitable flatulence that occurs with air travel, minimizing effects and discomfort
  5. Chapter 5 – Staying optimally hydrated
  6. Chapter 6 – Being mindful of the dietary factors that optimize gastrointestinal function and minimize, manage, and control g.i. dysfunction
  7. Chapter 7 – Executing advice on exercise, movements, and nutritional recommendations to optimize bone and joint flexibility/mobility and muscle strength and agility and to minimize/prevent clot and circulation issues
  8. Chapter 8 – Implementing tips to minimize and best-manage jet lag, headaches, and vertigo

With all of the above going for you, I can’t guarantee 100% you won’t encounter indigestion, achy joints, constipation/diarrhea, unbearable dry mouth, a sudden wave of exhaustion, a bothersome headache, or a bout of dizziness, but honestly, I feel confident that the likelihood of untoward events will be much less if you’ve applied the above information, as needed, to help you fly better.  You will be so thankful, too, to arrive at your new destination feeling good and looking great. 

But there’s more! J

In this last chapter, I’d like to pass on some diet-related information that may help you feel even better than just ‘good’. Upon arrival or soon thereafter, being more conscious of making the following dietary choices can help you ‘show up’ to your meeting or excursion feeling ‘detoxed’, more alert and sharp-minded, fresh and refreshed, renewed, and ready!

Super Flyer
‘Detoxing’ and Diet

Certain nutrients-- and foods sources of these nutrients-- have been identified as being helpful in ridding our bodies of harmful, unnecessary, or foreign substances.

It first has to be said that if a person is consuming a healthy, balanced diet, it’s highly likely that these key detoxifying nutrients are already being provided!  Because the best ‘detox’ diet is one that nourishes you with the ideal mix of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat, and calories), vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and electrolytes that you optimally need (not too much, not too little) from a variety of wholesome foods and beverages and, of course, optimal fluid, so as to sustain a healthy body weight, strong bones and joint mobility, and uber-functioning organs and systems.  Remember, your liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and intestines, when healthy and working well, rid the body very nicely of any and all excessive substances and excrement.  

So, there is a high likelihood of obtaining all the detoxifying nutrients that have been found helpful when you are already consuming a balanced, healthy, varied diet! In fact, this is a key concept to grasp when evaluating true detoxification plans and principles from popular advertised ‘cleanses’ and ‘detox’ regimes that advocate juice-type fasts or combinations of broths, spices, and other ingredients which claim to ‘empty’ your body of harmful substances. Often, these popular hyped practices are not evidence-based and have no more added advantage than just getting a person to avoid/stop ingesting overly-processed foods that are high in additives, refined sugars, and trans-fatty acids. Doing this, alone, will help you feel better! Ironically, too, large ‘doses’ of juices contain hefty amounts of sugar which may not be needed by the body at all, especially at the expense of denying you important protein and good fatty acids needed for health and true detoxification processes. Alternatively, high-protein, zero-carbohydrate type ‘cleanses’, as well as total fasts may result in increasing the risk of gallstones and/or poor organ function, even organ failure if the kidneys get overloaded. So, please be mindful of these facts when you feel the need to detoxify! The main goal should be to optimally nourish your body, which, in turn, keeps the integrity of your organs and their functions, intact.

A fit, healthy body is your amazing, already-built-in, best detoxification plan!

Now, having said all that, for the duration of a flight (1/2 day to 12-13 hours), if you are healthy, if you already are used to consuming a healthy, balanced diet, and if you want to take the opportunity to do a ‘semi-fast’ – avoiding the airplane food, drinking your required fluids, and only taking fruit or the odd handful of nuts or other snack from your ZB (ziplock bag) – that should be perfectly fine as a sort of ‘detox’, and, as I mentioned in Chapter 8, often helps with jet lag.

Dietitians working in integrative and functional medicine, have affirmed that many individuals ‘at risk’ because of exposures to various chemicals (like those of us who frequently fly have!), or poor diet, or genetic predisposition, could benefit from a form of ‘detoxification diet’.  True ‘detox’ diets and protocols are in their infancy and still-emerging, but there’s evidence to suggest that specific nutrients and substances have an important function in helping rid the body of various unwanted, unnecessary, and toxic substances.  ‘Toxins’ are known as xenobiotics and endotoxins and are chemical substances that are foreign to the human body.  Cigarette smoke and charbroiled meats used to be considered the main toxins to the body. In the past fifty years, however, it’s estimated that tens of thousands of new synthetic compounds have been introduced in the environment that are exposing us to many more ‘foreign’ substances that may be toxic – from pollution, to various chemical compounds in the many toiletries we use, to the increase use of plastics in everyday products, to the many additives, preservatives, parabens, and heavy metals, like mercury and lead, in our food supply – in wholesome food, by the way, as well as in overly-processed, typical ‘junk foods’.  At this point in time, despite our age-old, already-built-in, remarkable natural ability to detoxify our bodies, it doesn’t hurt to be aware of these increased exposures and to use our knowledge to assist, facilitate, and expedite the process of detoxifying, especially for those of us that are more exposed than others or at a higher risk because of illness, genetic predisposition, or clearly already showing untoward effects!

Helpful Diet Information to ‘Detox’ Frequent Flyers
I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight great food sources that contain detoxifying nutrients.  Try to consciously make an effort to add some of these items to your dietary intake, shortly after you’ve disembarked from your flight(s).  Ingestion of foods that contain these nutrients and substances could be helpful for those of us who frequently fly who want to ‘mop up’ the possible ‘toxins’ we’ve unwittingly been exposed to at airports and on airplanes (cosmic radiation, fumes of jet fuel, re-cycled cabin air, unwelcome microorganisms in the crowded plane), through the compensatory physiological processes our body experience while flying, and from extra stresses we may be having from our flight travels.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and the body’s master detoxifying substance. It is necessary for all complex, but efficient processes that rid the body of toxins. It contains a high number of sulfur groups which act like ‘sticky tape’ which various toxins like to adhere to, which, in turn, makes it easier for them to be carried and flushed out of the body through various organ processes. Glutathione also recycles other antioxidants – very handy property in maximizing the beneficial effects of ingesting a total, balanced diet! The best food sources of glutathione are cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.(see link below for complete list), onions, and garlic. Cruciferous vegetables can cause flatulence, so you wouldn’t want to eat them on the plane, but, they are also extremely rich in phytochemicals which help bind toxic ‘chemicals’ to rid and detoxify. So, as soon as you’re off the plane, you can eat these foods again! Woo hoo! Glutathione is also found in whey protein, thus, non-fat dairy products, egg-whites, and whey protein powder are also excellent sources.  Moreover, exercise has been shown to help release more glutathione into the body.

Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries, green leafy vegetables – actually -- most fruits and vegetables are also great detoxifying agents.  So, again, look for ways to keep your intake of vegetables and fruits regular and plentiful.  Artichokes and watercress have been found to be particularly high in antioxidant power. Apples are a great source of flavonoids, which are also important molecules that help detoxify the body. Certain items, such as, pomegranate contain a specific substance (ellagic acid), that have high detoxifying power. Tea is also rich in antioxidants, especially green tea.  Foods that are high in fiber are also important, as it helps with regulating bowel habits. Brown rice has been pointed out as being particularly helpful in ridding the body of fat-soluble toxins. Brown rice is also an excellent source of B-vitamins. Foods, such as whole-grains, which are rich in B-vitamins, are important in all detoxifying processes. Turmeric/curcumin has also been found to have detoxifying properties.

So, it’s actually easy to incorporate some tasty, but detoxifying foods after getting off the plane! Here’s some ideas to get you going:

--Have an omelette made with broccoli and feta or part-skim mozzarella cheese (even better, an egg-white omelette) with some whole wheat toast

--Get a ‘green smoothie’ made with green-tea, plain low-fat yogurt, kale or watercress, a green apple, perhaps with a tablespoon or two of whey protein powder or a berry smoothie

--Enjoy a salmon hot noodle pot or a tasty bowl of miso soup

--Order cauliflower soup or better yet, a cauliflower curry with brown rice

--Just get a nice cup of green tea

--Continue to drink the best detoxifying beverage -- water!

As you can see, all of the above fits in so very well with just making healthy, balanced choices based on wholesome, delicious foods all in accordance with recommendations! I have simply pointed out even more specific items that have been associated with the process of detoxification of the body! In choosing detoxifying foods, you will automatically avoid refined sugars, foods high in trans-fats, and foods high in additives. Do try to keep up with sweat-producing exercise and you’ll enhance your overall ‘cleansing’ plan!

There have been suggestions, in the literature, to take glutathione and the pre-cursor of glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine(NAC), in supplement form, but, in my opinion, if you are consciously making better dietary choices, you get the added benefit of increasing your sources of fiber, antioxidants, and other substances that help to detoxify your body, which is much better than the isolated molecule.  For some people, glutathione and/or NAC supplements may be in order, but I would definitely check with your doctor or dietitian to see if it’s clearly needed!

Increase Mental Alertness
Foods and nutrients that improve cognitive function, coordination, memory, and mood are extremely welcome as we exit an exhausting, disorienting long-haul flight or, even, an energy-zapping, mind-numbing short-duration jaunt!  Foods high in antioxidants (such as anthocyanin, luteolin, epicatechin), foods rich in brain anti-inflammatory substances (such as omega-3-fatty acids and, again, luteolin), foods rich in the amino acid, tyrosine, foods rich in choline, foods and beverages that have caffeine (yay!)

Anthocyanins are found in blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, red grapes, red cabbage, and red onions. I see a theme here! J If you’re a berry-person, go for it! There’s so many good berry juice products available today.  Although I normally would recommend eating fruits versus fruit juices, after disembarking a plane, it’s one time where a brain-boosting shot of blueberry, strawberry, or mixed-berry juice would be a great antidote to your drowsy mood.  Go grab yourself a berry smoothie! By all means, if you can get a bowl of fresh berries, that would be lovely, too!

Luteolin is a flavonoid that has been shown to improve memory and reduce brain inflammation.  It is found in celery hearts, carrots, broccoli, citrus fruits, peppers, beets, peppermint, oregano, basil, olive oil, chamomile tea, and get this – parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme! So, whether you have your ZB (ziplock bag) with carrot sticks and orange halves or you want to add generous sprigs of herbs to your eggs and post-flight meal, know that these items can help sharpen your mind and keep you alert!

Epicatechins are flavonoids found in dark chocolate.  How perfect is that? It’s easy and delicious to grab a piece or two of dark chocolate (at least 65% cocoa) when you are in transit. You don’t need to eat alot – about 60 grams, and no more than 85 grams of dark chocolate (which is the amount in one or two pieces) – should do the trick without adding too much fat or calories.

Omega-3-fatty acids have already been mentioned a few times, so I think you get the point that foods containing these powerful anti-inflammatory agents are crucial to great health!  These, of course, are found in oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, oils, such as canola and soybean, walnuts, and flaxseeds, all of which should not be too difficult to get if you add walnuts and flaxseeds to salads and oatmeal, for example, choose oily fish meals as often as possible, and use dressings and omega-3-fatty acid rich oils.

Tyrosine is an important building block of neurotransmitters and is a nonessential amino acid, which means the body makes it (except if you have phenylketonuria) from the amino acid phenylalanine. But, there is evidence that including tyrosine-rich foods in the diet boosts levels of tyrosine in the body and this can enhance brain function, especially during periods of stress and sleep deprivation.  Need I say more, frequent flyers?! Rich sources of tyrosine are soy products, chicken, turkey, fish, peanuts, almonds, avocados, bananas, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. So, there’s enough variety there that give us plenty of options to choose, either from any restaurant menu, corner food shop, or supermarket we pass through or in our own, easy-to-pack ZB supply!  How about a bowl of yogurt or cottage cheese with wheat germ, walnuts, and berries? Make your selections nutritious and delicious!

Choline is a substance that is necessary for the synthesis of phospholipids and healthy cell membranes, especially our sensitive brain cell membranes. It is found mainly in foods high in lecithin, such as egg yolks and whole eggs, organ meats, soybeans, wheat germ, and whole wheat products. So, making a point of including eggs regularly, choosing whole wheat breads, pasta, and cereals, and snacking on edamame and dry-roasted soybeans would be an excellent way to boost your brain function when travelling.

Caffeine is a known stimulant.  So, if you’re a coffee drinker, don’t forget to enjoy your cup or two as you head out to be where you need to be (as if I had to remind you J)! Add a square or two of your dark chocolate with your coffee and life just gets better and better!  If you’re not a coffee drinker, tea is perfectly fine and also contains caffeine, perhaps not as much as in coffee, but, certainly enough to wake-up and stimulate mental capacity! Both coffee and tea have potent antioxidants, too! And, if you’re neither a coffee or tea drinker, you can still enjoy your dark chocolate, just for the caffeine – right? Caffeine is also found in soft drinks, and, although, I admit, soda is not the healthiest beverage – if it is consumed in moderation and to help you enjoy other healthy foods and as a source of hydration, go for it!

Just being aware of foods and nutrients that boost your brain function will subconsciously prime you to consciously look out for these foods and include them in your dietary intake soon after arrival. Moreover, it’s nice to know that these choices known for boosting alertness, memory, and cognitive ability fit very nicely with foods that aid in detoxifying your body!  This makes life easier and that’s always a plus!

Freshen Up!
These last tips are all about arriving at your destination feeling good and looking even better than you imagined! The following information will help you with freshening your breath, whitening your teeth, and getting that healthy glow!

Fresh Breath
Fresh breath is reliant on great oral hygiene and your intestinal flora.

Oral Hygiene
Firstly, if you know you will have a busy, non-stop frequent-flying schedule – get yourself booked in for a dental check-up. Unheeded cavities and pockets of dental decay are not only sources of foul bacterial overgrowth and odor, but it’s well known that changes in altitude can cause these holes to trap gas which results in exacerbation of foul bacteria, possible infections, and pain. L So, having cavities filled, infections treated and healed, and teeth cleaned will prevent sources of odor. Brushing and flossing your teeth before or soon after arrival helps, too. Don’t forget to brush your tongue, too! Rinsing your mouth with a solution of water and baking soda can neutralize bad breath. If you have any baking soda left from you ZB stash (it helps with neutralizing stomach acidity and heartburn, too!), now’s the time to use it up for another good purpose.  Diluted peroxide is an alternative mouthwash, too. Most flight attendant medical kits have peroxide, so you can always (nicely) ask for some, if necessary.

Intestinal Flora
If you’ve been trying to follow dietary recommendations already given – especially regarding control of flatulence (Chapter 4) and gastrointestinal issues (Chapter 5), your gut bacterial flora will already be in check and low in those microorganisms that fuel putrid mouth and breath vapors that emanate from deep inside your digestive tract.  Optimal hydration (Chapter 6) further assures dilution and excretion of particles that cause odor.

Dietary Tips That Directly Help Neutralize and Banish Bad Breath
There are many ways that dietary sources can help neutralize bad breath, such as:

  1. Optimal hydration and drinking plenty of water
  2. Chew on fresh or dried herbs, especially parsley and mint
  3. Chew on dried fennel seeds or cardamom pods
  4. Drink herbal and spiced teas, especially peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, chia teas
  5. Berries, citrus fruits, and melon as these all neutralize breath odors. Even sucking on a lemon or adding lemon to your water and tea helps
  6. Crunchy fruits and vegetables, especially apples, celery, and carrots increase saliva production which helps to rid mouth of foul-smelling bacteria
  7. Yogurt, buttermilk, kefir, and foods with active cultures also helps to neutralize strong odors
  8. In a pinch, chewing sugarless gum also increases saliva production and can help decrease bad breath

Dietary Tips That Can Help Clean and Whiten Teeth
Nothing beats a professional cleaning and whitening process. Teeth-whitening strips can also come in handy and, of course, brushing with whitening toothpaste and flossing your teeth, but soon after landing there are some natural tips that can help get teeth feeling and looking clean and bright:

  1. Chewing crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples (also contain a natural teeth-whitening acid called malic acid) and celery
  2. Eating some pineapple! Pineapple contains bromelain, which has been found to be an effective stain-removing compound for teeth
  3. Strawberries, similarly, contain a teeth-whitening acid, called malic acid
  4. Eating raw broccoli has been shown to help clean and polish teeth
  5. Chewing raisins stimulates saliva and neutralizes bacteria in the mouth while removing stains
  6. Lactic acid in cheese protects against tooth decay and helps clean teeth

These dietary tips, together with getting some quality sleep, managing jet lag, and lastly – cleaning and moisturizing your face, hands, legs, and arms (this is for BOTH men and women!) -- will help you show up feeling refreshed and looking radiant!

And very lastly, three key points are important to help you arrive as clean, coherent, and fresh as possible:

  1. If you can arrange arriving a day early to acclimate yourself before your ‘official’ business or vacation begins, that’s ideal.
  2. Practice good hand-washing or use an alcohol-based hand gel (at least 60% alcohol) to avoid picking up or spreading infections.
  3. ALWAYS keep in mind the travel advisories regarding compromised food and water-supply hygiene whenever you make choices involving vegetables, fruits, and or raw, uncooked, unpasteurized foods and beverages of any kind, when applicable, especially in countries with known issues.

I Bid You A Fine, Frequent-Flyer Farewell….For Now
The best things to eat and drink when you fly do not fall out of the sky and onto your plates and into your cups. I know it takes forethought, strategic planning, conscious decision-making, discipline and reigning in impulses, and good sleep and stress management.  But, the benefits of traveling and arriving well are so worth it!

I have done my utmost to gather together evidence-based information, but, also practical tips to help make your flying experiences more comfortable, healthier, and pleasant.  My goal was to make the information accessible and available to you in one handy reference. I have tried to cover the issues that, in my opinion and experience, are of greatest concern and have the most impact for flyers in truly making your travels easier and most effective. As much ground as I have covered, I realize there may be many issues still ‘up in the air’ (hopefully, that will be the last of my unintended puns J). Perhaps, there is a concern or two that you may have that I have not addressed in this book.  Thus, I invite you to feel free to contact me re: The Best Things To Eat and Drink When You Fly at  I will do my best to help you with your particular issue. I am busy gathering specific information on what and where to find optimal food and drink at several international airports. I can make that list more complete with your help, so please email me with your experiences and suggestions. Additionally, I am still active in contacting airlines on how they can best serve the flying public when it comes to delivering more nutritious, yet delicious and appropriate meal options as well as special meal requests. I would also appreciate hearing from you about your meals and meal service experiences with airlines, and restaurant and food/drink tips about different airports you fly in and out of – photos highly appreciated!  The pressure on airports and airlines to supply and deliver tastier, more convenient, yet healthier options will be ever evolving, as supply resonates more with increasing demand, so I anticipate we have an active, but exciting ‘journey’ ahead on those fronts!  Bring it on!

And, if by chance, in your frequent flying travels, you find yourself sitting, standing, or walking next to me, don’t hesitate to say hello. Perhaps, we can make our way to the green-tea Greek-yogurt smoothie counter, together!  I look forward with great pleasure to meeting you! J.  Till then:

“May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand”
                                                                    ― Irish Blessings


Eat Right – Traveling Home and Abroad

How diet protects the brain.

Brain foods: the effect of nutrients on brain function.

Brain food: superfoods to improve your cognitive function.

Harris,J and Warde, F. The little book of chocolat. Doubleday, 2014.

Granola on the go.

Hand hygiene in health-care settings.