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Sunday 31 August 2008

Post 2008 Olympics Reflections

Hi Everyone,

Well, the Olympics are over and we enjoyed watching those athletes create new world records. At some points while watching, I found myself saying 'these people are just SO GOOD at this or that (whatever/whoever I was watching be it Michael Phelps in the pool or the gymnasts, etc), they must be CRAZY to spend so much time, energy, and focus to reach the levels of achievement in their respective sports. But, then I thought -- are they? Not at all -- they're not crazy -- they just see themselves as WINNERS! They see themselves as the people they WANT to be. They strive to be their 'personal best' because they feel they CAN! It's actually quite pure and simple. The notion of 'personal best' is cool. It means you're not really so much in a race or comparison with others as much as you are with yourself. It allows one to look inward -- to take time, energy, and to care and to LOVE oneself. This is much better than achieving success or accomplishments because one feels they have to be the best above all the rest or others. The dynamic of comparison and wanting to win, no matter who or what is hurt in the process (especially who -- very cruel thinking) can invite nastiness and negativity. Thinking in terms of 'personal best' is much more constructive. I believe each one of us, whether consciously or unconsciously, thinks about what our own 'personal best' version of us we are. It's such a great feeling when we look and feel our best. We are truly filled with happiness when we know we've achieved success at something we've worked hard at. When we visualize ourselves at our 'personal best', we feel good. We all actually WANT this for ourselves and CAN have it for ourselves. The difficulties arrive in knowing HOW to become our 'personal best'. Well, finally after years of fumbling and losing my way, I feel so good about saying that I've found out HOW and I'm DOING it!!! You know what I've found out?? Living out the 'journey' is almost as rewarding as achieving my 'pb'. The day-to-day decisions and behaviour that go along with doing what it takes to realize the vision of myself at my 'pb' has made life so rich and full and just so joyful, in and of itself!!! I KNOW I'm on my way to becoming my personal best!! And I'm so filled with energy and zeal, I want to share it with EVERYONE. I can help you. Just let me know. I know how and what to do. Just let me know if you need help. And know this -- it doesn't take 'craziness' to get to this level -- it takes truth and awareness, and commitment, and staying the course and, darn, it feels so good -- great, in fact -- IT'S SIMPLY THE BEST!!!

Saturday 23 August 2008

Becoming the person I'm meant to be

Hi, everyone.

As we get older, we often find ourselves morphing into a person who doesn't reflect on the outside who we feel we are inside. It has nothing to do with the process of aging,itself, but more with how we treat our bodies (and souls!, dare I say) AS we age. We eat too much, perhaps drink too much, become too busy,too harried, too caught up with keeping up with 'the Joneses', stop being active physically, etc., etc.
It's not a great feeling to look in the mirror and hardly recognize the person staring back at you. Worse yet, have you ever found yourself walking by a store shop window and turning your head to see who the big buffoon or cow is walking 'next' to you only realize with painful horror that it's you!! Scary, my friends, very very scary.
When I turned 50 y.o., I said to myself "MJ -- that's it!!! You deserve better than ending up living the remaining 20 or so years you have left as a 'frumpty,dumpty'. You were created a beautiful, vibrant, bright person and worked hard for so many years to be THAT person and were for several years the person you were meant to be and life was great! Somewhere along the 'merry way', you morphed into looking like someone else, while still inside being you -- get it back -- get it back"! And so I did, ladies and gentlemen. I started eating 100% healthier, I started exercising, I started simplifying my life wherever I could and concentrated on spending time with people and in places and situations that I found made me stronger, better, and happier. Of course, I still have responsibilities and stresses and am kind and giving to people -- even folks that are difficult and unfair, but I choose my path -- I'm not led into negativity out of guilt or by being pushed or feeling trapped. But most important, as I said earlier -- I'm leading a HEALTHY lifestyle. It was HELL at the beginning to get started and to STAY on course, but, after about 3 months, I started to feel just a wee bit more like 'me' again! Now, after almost 2 years of keeping at it -- I not only look and feel great, but I look and feel even better than when I was in my late 20's/early30s when I THOUGHT I looked my best! I'm wearing clothes again that enable me to reflect the style I want to embody and emit and, man, it feels great! In short, I'm on the fast track to becoming the person I'm meant to be. I'm so filled with it that I want to share this mission with the world. I'm really trying to get my children to grasp the importance of this. Man, if I had started when I was in my late30s/early40s, Lord knows what I could've accomplished or who I could've helped! It's never too late, though. I read a poem in the late 90s that started me on my journey to become the best 'me' and filled me with the desire to pass this legacy on. The poem is called 'Of History and Hope' by Miller Williams. I will post here the excerpt of this poem that I keep posted on my bulletin board:

".....But where are we going to be, and why, and who?
The disenfranchised dead want to know.
We mean to be the people we meant to be,
to keep on going where we meant to go.
But how do we fashion the future? Who can say how
except in the minds of those who will call it Now?
The children. The children...

All this in the hands of children, eyes
already set on a land we can never visit --
it isn't there yet---
but looking through their eyes, we can see
what our long gift to them may come to be.
If we can truly remember, they will not forget"

Won't you join me in 'remembering' who you are again and bringing yourself back?
I can help you, too. Let me hear from you!