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Saturday 2 May 2009

Mix It Up, Too, with Protein Snacks

Just because I recommended previously that high-COMPLEX carb snacks can help fill you up (and NOT OUT) when you're trying to stave off those hunger pangs or cravings to eat, doesn't mean you can't ALSO go for some lean protein type snack. This is the beauty of food -- there is no ONE category of food that is meant to be eaten exclusively, or even one category at a time, like so many of the fad diets proclaim. All foods can be enjoyed and need to be appreciated for the wonderful, unique qualities they have. When trying to lose flab, there IS no magic bullet but DISCIPLINE and mixing it up with your food -- provided you don't mix it up with high fat, high salt, high SIMPLE sugars and the types of foods one classes as 'junk foods' (ie --foods -- if you can call them foods!-- high in kcalories and low in nutrients) --you know what I'm talking about -- chips, candy, chocolate nut bars, ice cream, donuts, cakes, cookies, etc., etc. Soooo, if you're hankering for something 'protein-ish', make a 2-egg omelette loaded with vegetables -- even sliced pan-fried potatoes. Here's what you do:

Wash and dry one medium thin-skinned potato. Slice thinly.

Spray a non-stick skillet with a spray fat of some sort -- any type will do -- ie, the oil based or the butter-flavored.

Pan-fry potato slices until brown and softened. Set aside.

Spray skillet again. Add a combination of your choice of any vegetables -- sliced onions, peppers, asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, broccoli -- all work well as well as any others of your liking. Stir-fry or sautee until softened, but not too mushy. Can add scant water so pan doesn't get too dry with veggie ingredients. Once veggies soft, add potaotoes back in. Season with salt, pepper, and herbs of your choice -- fresh or dried rosemary is nice.

Break 2 eggs into small bowl. Add a dash of non-fat milk and mix it all up with a fork or whisk. Add to veggie mixture in skillet and cook until eggs sets according to your liking (some people like their omelette 'wetter' than others). Slide onto a plate and enjoy!!!

While savouring each bite, visualize yourself toned and fit and HAPPY and full! When finished, clean your plate and walk away and on!!!!! Get out of the kitchen and cupboards!!!!!

How's that for a COMPLETE recipe!!!! to keep you on the fit and trim trail. Hope this helps.

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