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Monday 28 February 2011

A Cup Of Kindness

It was a classic scenario of 'good vs. evil'!

Last night, instead of having a big hunk of homemade devil's food chocolate cake -- which was not just calling out to me, but taunting me, whispering sweet nothings to me, rationalizing to me, complementing me on how great I look and simply telling me that having this one piece of cake was no big deal and in fact, I deserved it, laughing gleefully at me in all its chocolaty goodness, screaming at me to just have the gd cake!! -- I made myself a big, comforting, steaming cup of lemon,ginger tea.

Now, of course, I knew I could have the cake and probably DO deserve it after all these months of eating healthfully, tending to the physical activity and exercise my body needs, and disciplining myself from overindulging.

But, it would have been wrong. I wasn't hungry AT ALL. I wasn't celebrating anything -- well, except another day of life, and it was 9:00 PM. It would have been one of those thoughtless snacks, eaten out of boredom, pure impulse, and consumed as if I am entitled to it.

A hunk of devil's food chocolate cake, in all its, perhaps, 800 ++ kcalorie, creamy glory is a TREAT that warrants much more than just a passing 'afterthought' and I KNEW it! But, the 'devil' in the cake doesn't or if 'he(she)' DOES, the 'devil may care' attitude prevails!

Oh, I may be weak, but I wasn't last night.

This morning feels SO good! That cup of lemon,ginger tea was SO kind to my body. I slept VERY well, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for today's taunts and challenges, and I feel as light and bright as a floating angel!

It was a classic scenario of 'good vs. evil' and in the closing hours of the yester-day of my life, goodness and kindness followed me.

Today, my cup overflows!

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